Educator Edition

Science Activities for All Ages

By on May 14th, 2018

Our Kindergarten students LOVE doing science experiments!

Recently we asked them what their favorite part of Kindergarten has been, and many of them said “science experiments.” Some may think that because we are a virtual school, our kids spend all their time on the computer. This couldn’t be farther from the truth!

We get our Kindergarteners into the physical world as much as possible to have the same hands-on learning experiences you would find in a brick-and-mortar school. This year, they have gone on nature walks, made slime, created straw rockets, seen sound waves at work, and discovered how animals stay warm in icy water…just to name a few! Continue reading

Why Our Teachers ❤ Teaching

By on May 10th, 2018

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, FLVS is proud to celebrate our outstanding team of out-of-this-world teachers! The dedication and hard work they put forth each and every day gives our students a greater chance to succeed in school and throughout life.

Have an outstanding teacher at FLVS (or two or three) you’d like to give a shout out to? Don’t forget to post a message on the FLVS Facebook page or on Instagram or Twitter using hashtags #ThankATeacher and #FLVSTAW. They appreciate YOU and your words of encouragement so much! Continue reading

FLVS Flex Elementary Hosts First Career Day

By on May 2nd, 2018

One might ask if hosting a virtual Career Day for online learners is even possible. On Wednesday, April 25, 2018, FLVS Flex Elementary learned that it is not only possible but also transcends the barriers that brick-and-mortar Career Days sometimes involve.

Our teachers, staff, and special guests blazed the trail with “can-do” attitudes, providing an opportunity for virtual elementary students to connect current academics with future career paths. Continue reading

FLVS Follows Science on Its Way to Space

By on April 30th, 2018

SpaceX CRS14

On April 2, 2018, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted into space with the Dragon spacecraft – sending fascinating science experiments and supplies to the International Space Station.

FLVS was invited to share the experience with our students and followers through social media, including a behind-the-scenes tour of NASA facilities at Kennedy Space Center prior to launch. Continue reading

Growth Knows No Limits

By on April 26th, 2018

Continuous improvement isn’t just for those who need to work on specific skills.

Continuous improvement is for every professional, every teacher, every student, every person. At Florida Virtual School, we engage in professional learning because we never want to stop growing, expanding our “good enough” to our greatest potential. Continue reading

FLVS Corkboard: April Highlights

By on April 20th, 2018

We were once approaching April and now we’re rapidly advancing toward May!

Not only are there lots of activities, schoolwork, and projects going on, but incredible volunteer efforts as well. FLVS would like to take a moment to thank all the FLVS Full Time 6-12 grade students and families who participated in our FLVS Earth/Environmental Day across the state. View photos here!

Want to join in other upcoming activities? We have several to choose from! Continue reading

6 Things to Think About When Starting High School

By on March 15th, 2018

One of the most important times of a student’s life is the transition from middle school to high school. Students often ponder important questions about high school, such as:

What should I wear the first day? How can I get into PE with my best friend? How am I supposed to get from one side of the campus to the other in two minutes?

While these questions might be on the forefront of an 8th grader’s mind, there are other important questions that they want to be thinking of before heading to high school. Continue reading

For the Love of Grammar

By on March 2nd, 2018

What’s something everyone uses every single day, but is not often thought about? Give up? It’s grammar!

National Grammar Day is observed in the United States on March 4. It was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, author of “Things That Make Us [Sic]” and founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar. Continue reading