Educator Edition

Career and Technical Education Month

By on February 13th, 2018

In honor of Career and Technical Education Month, a public awareness campaign takes place each February to celebrate the value of CTE and the accomplishments of CTE programs across the country. I would like to recognize all of our outstanding CTE educators and students for making a difference in the world.

Each month, FLVS CTE will focus on a different soft skill that is essential for today’s students as they enter college or the workforce. This month’s focus is communication. Continue reading

Project-Based Learning in Online Education

By on February 12th, 2018

Project-based learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question.

The benchmarks of high-quality, project-based learning opportunities include a challenging problem, sustained inquiry, authenticity, student choice, and reflection or revision. In a project-based assessment opportunity, the goal is not just to bubble an answer choice. Instead, the student needs to process through a complex scenario and apply what was learned from the content to produce a unique sample demonstrating understanding.  Continue reading

Growing Global Awareness

By on February 3rd, 2018

We’ve all heard the term: global awareness. As educators, we’re expected to create citizens who can compete and collaborate in society on a global scale.

But how? And why? And, well, what is it? Continue reading

Cultivating Critical Thinkers

By on January 23rd, 2018

French philosopher Descartes may have been on to something when he said, “I think therefore I am.”

At FLVS, we want students to not only think, but think critically. Critical thinkers have the ability to improve their thinking through systematic self-assessment and reflection. Continue reading

Find Yourself in a Book for Celebrate Literacy Week

By on January 22nd, 2018

In a society where we are constantly on the go, it is often difficult to find moments reserved for peace and quiet. It is rare to see someone sitting on a bench or on a beach with a book in hand, enjoying the day.

As we prepare for Celebrate Literacy Week with FLVS, I challenge you to consider what it truly means to find yourself in a book, this year’s Celebrate Literacy Week theme. Personally, I am my most balanced in life when I am taking the time to slow down, taking in the peace and quiet, and getting into a book.  It generally means that I am balanced in other areas of life as well. Continue reading

Looking Back at the History of FLVS

By on January 17th, 2018

I started working at Florida High School (as FLVS was called in its early days) in January of 2000.

My interview was short and sweet…three questions. After I answered the questions, I was taken to the office of Julie Young, our first leader and online education pioneer, for a few more questions and the job offer. Continue reading

Practical Problem Solving

By on December 15th, 2017

It’s happened to the best of us: you push the power button on the remote and nothing happens. What’s the problem? Does it need new batteries? Is the TV unplugged? Is the power out? To figure it out, you need some problem-solving skills.

Problem-solving skills are important in our everyday lives, our careers, and in learning. Problems may be frustrating, but they can also be opportunities. By helping our students develop strong problem-solving skills, we can help them look at problems differently, do things in a different way, and think critically. Continue reading

Bringing Learning to Life with Practical Experience

By on December 4th, 2017

We know students learn best through experience, but how can they get hands-on in a virtual learning environment?

Say hello to Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). These professional student organizations are integrated into the FLVS Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum. Why? Because they give students tons of personal growth swag. Continue reading

Where FLVS Students See Themselves in 20 Years

By on December 1st, 2017

FLVS has certainly grown since we first opened our virtual doors in 1997. We’ve come a long way over the years, and so have our students!

During our recent photo contest, students told us how they have grown thanks to FLVS and where they see themselves in the future. Last month, we shared our three contest winners, but there were so many amazing entries that we had to include a few honorable mentions…

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